Wednesday, January 03, 2007

since i remember knowing

Since I remember knowing,
I’ve been moving on.

Comfort closes, warm and near,
Lulling us to sleep and dream,
But dreams that don’t move
are dreams that rust
And that which isn’t moving
Has stopped growing.

Since I remember knowing,
I’ve been moving on.

I make a sand painting of my life
In brilliant colors, mandalas spun,
But calm lullabies always sound
just before the storm
And one cannot prevent the winds
From blowing…

Since I remember knowing,
I’ve been moving on.

So many myriad objects glimpsed
And embraces to grasp fondly,
But a nomad knows no house
of wood or stone
So like the eternal river Tao, my path,
It is always flowing…

Since I remember knowing,
I’ve been moving on.


At 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your words
Keep on sharing them, Peanut!

I have this weird "I hope he remembers me" feeling in my head.


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